Devops automation

In today’s world, which is filled with information, desires and needs, there is a need to save time. This is helped by the automation process. Now they try to automate everything that only gives in to this process. And the purpose of this is to free up time from routine business, but not for entertainment and recreation, but to solve problems that will lead the company to success. Therefore, we propose to pay attention to the new methodology of software development – “DevOps”, which effectively improves the work of the company.

What problems does DevOps Automation solve?

Each IT company is accompanied by problems that make up its daily routine:

  • work processes,
  • the same type of task,
  • bureaucracy.

At the same time, it is well known that creative people with an analytical mind are selected into the IT company’s team. Therefore, maintaining an orderly and structured system for such personnel is a real problem. As a result, new IT companies, and not only, are not doing so well:

  • setting up tasks to be performed and monitoring them,
  • a quick solution to seemingly simplest questions,
  • organization of documentation turnover,
  • of staff interaction between themselves,
  • collecting the information needed to generate the reports,
  • by deploying a large number of similar systems.

But all this is solved quite simply now, namely by using devops methodology.

We solve problems with the help of automation

For teamwork, devops tools for database are offered – a software development methodology aimed at simplifying the company’s activities and services. If we consider the devops structure, we will get an intersection of a programmer (dev) and a tester (ops), which can be performed by a qualified devops engineer. His duties include creation of a single cycle linking software development, its operation and deploy. Thanks to this approach, there is an opportunity to create an adaptive, seamless architecture that allows you to perceive the system as a whole, while eliminating problems (even on weekends).

Let’s consider the offered decision of problems of the IT-company on an example. So, for the company developing software, it is possible to pick up additional components of automatic support – systems for:

  • processing of incoming requests,
  • version control with a single source code repository,
  • codereview,
  • of the package assembly,
  • backups,
  • authentication.

How does devops automation work?

The automation process contains the following steps:

  1. identification and specification of problems, including the needs of a particular company (this stage directly depends on the scale, goals and objectives of the company, such identification is carried out by means of a questionnaire with subsequent discussion of possible nuances of its activities),
  2. Formation of a solution to eliminate the identified problems (it is based on the results of a survey conducted in accordance with the standard template, with subsequent adjustment based on the individual characteristics of the company),
  3. implementation of the solution (in the form of system configuration, which is performed on the equipment of the direct customer or rented for this purpose),
  4. effective and efficient recommendations of specialists on further development of the company (usually they include further monitoring of the customer’s systems, as a result of which the subtle aspects of the company’s activities that need further optimization will be revealed).

Devops is an interesting direction that can solve serious problems. If you decide to use all this in practice, you can achieve serious results.


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